Okta SWA SSO Set Up Steps For MyHub
Please use the following guide to set up MyHub as an Okta’s Secure Web Authentication (SWA) application within your Okta account. This will enable Single Sign-On (SSO) integration with Okta for your MyHub instance:
1. Set up your users in your MyHub account.
2. Disable the password change notification emails in the Admin > Site Security & Settings area of your MyHub site.
3. Log in to Okta using your administrator account.
4. Set up your users in your Okta account.
5. Under the Admin area click Applications.
6. Click Browse App Catalog, search for "Template Plugin App" then click Add Integration.
7. Give the application a name such as Yourcompanyname Intranet.
8. Follow steps 8 to 21 to cut and paste the field identifier names from the MyHub login screen. Please do not copy the values from the screenshot above as they will be different for your intranet site.
9. Open MyHub in a new Chrome browser window.
10. Ensure that you are logged out and are on the main login screen.
11. Copy the web address should look something like this https://yoursitename.myhubintranet.com.
12. Paste the web address into the URL field in Okta.
13. Right-click the Username: form field on the MyHub login screen page and select Inspect.
14. In the Element console, you should see the input field highlighted, right-click this and select Copy > Copy Selector.
Note: Please open the video below in a new tab to increase resolution.
15. Paste the value into the Username field in Okta.
16. Right-click the Password: form field on the MyHub login screen page and select Inspect.
17. In the Element console, you should see the input field highlighted, right-click this and select Copy > Copy Selector.
18. Paste the value into the Password field in Okta.
19. Right-click the Login button on the MyHub login screen page and select Inspect.
20. In the Element console, you should see the input field highlighted, right-click this and select Copy > Copy Selector.
21. Paste the value into the Login Button field in Okta.
22. Leave all other values as default.
23. Click the Next button.
24. Select the username and password method preferred (User sets username and password is supported).
25. Click the Save button.
26. Assign the Okta users to the new application you've created.
27. Sign in to Okta with one of your user accounts and click your new application you’ve created either in the web page or via the Okta Chrome plugin.
For further information on Okta SWA can be found at Overview-of-Managing-Apps-and-SSO.